1 Feb 2010

Barnaby's first birthday

Last week (ish) was Barney's 1st birthday. Plans were in place for a fun day out, but with a household of colds we rain checked for another day and instead spent time at home playing with his presents.

Barney had a tee pee, packed full of presents, but who liked it best - yep, his sister! And who liked opening presents the best - yep his sister! He did occasionally get a look in, although it has to be said the concept of a birthday is pretty much lost on a one year old.







Ahh Woody, how cool is Woody? With a pull cord in his back and voice activation this toy is certainly one step on from Action Man who I had when I was a kid. This said, what Barney likes best about Woody is simply putting his hat on and off......and on and off......and on and off.....


....until he gets bored, then playing with packaging becomes the main attraction.


Florence And The Machine

I've had an enjoyable afternoon hanging out with Daisy today - no pictures to show, but instead I have a snippet of conversation, that was simply brilliant.

At three Daisy appears to have her life planned out pretty early (I guess that's a genetic trait I passed down). Anyhow, we were discussing her future where apparently she'll be having baby twins and a dog.

I asked Daisy: "Will the twins be boys or girls"

Daisy: "girls....and a girl dog too"

Me: "ohh what will they be called, have you got a name yet"

Daisy: "Yep, Florence"

Me: "Ohh that's a nice name, what about the other twin?"

Daisy: "machine"

For anyone who's been living in a cave this may help explain.
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