It's becoming more common place nowadays for couples to have weddings in the winter months, which as a winter wedding photographer presents me with a completely diferent set of conditions. Yep, this week lots of sunshine.....compared to a typical summer wedding when we now appear to have overcast skies & rain! Good old England.
Anyhow, here's a cheeky peak at one from the weekend whilst I work on the rest for later in the week. You'll notice a theme again too - it's smiley bride syndrome. Gotta love it!
Don't foregt.....dash over and 'like' my Facebook business page, and you'll be the first to see more fantastic photos from this winter wedding at Kingscote Barn.
Better still, be the absolute first person ever to +1 me on Google (does that link work??).
Apparently it's the next big thing.....I just need to understand it now and remember to populate it too!
When did social media become so complicated......I'm fast starting to sound like my parents when they used to ask me 'how to set the video recored'.
Anyone wanna give me a SEO master class? I'll tell you what, I'll show you how to take photos in return......can't say fairer than that!
Back on track though, if you'd like to see more winter weddings at Kingscote Barn then take a look at this blog post on my website