** Where does time go? **
It's Christmas (well almost), another year has zipped past, I've been immersed in wedding photography, occasional photos of my family and eating cake (it would appear).
We had the Christmas box out from the loft this weekend in order to get the tree decorated and a few 'bits' up around the house. Daisy's eyes lit up the second she saw the box and was first to dig in, wanting to retrieve her Christmas stocking.
It was at that point I had a flash back 'photo memory' of what I thought was last year, taking a similar photo of Daisy in the Christmas box. Ohh noooo, no, no, no, no Matthew (as my mum would say when I'm naughty). It was in fact 2 years ago I'd taken a similar photo - and here's the link to my
blog post, with said photo for comparison.
Todays photo is below - ohh how my little girl has changed in just a couple of years. She's three now and will start school next September. What will I do without my little 'interrupter' around the house? Perhaps Barnaby will take on that role instead.
Of course, Christmas tree decorations also double very well as earrings.
The pretty lights we bought from Habitat last year and totally forgot we had. problem was, they're a little short to run around a Christmas tree. Umm!? Rethink for next year perhaps.
One up on Daisy's earrings, Ali decided she's go for a more complete decoration job.
Yep, that's right, Father Christmas will be coming to our house this year as I've been good......(despite a slightly grumpy day or two in Nov - how much rain can one man take I ask?)!
OK. For anyone who hasn't met Daisy, she REALLY doesn't sit still (yes I do know who she gets it from before anyone kindly points that out). This photo above is therefore a rare moment in the Davis household. Meanwhile Barney was sleeping through all this oblivious to the Christmas tree's arrival.
You've read the post below right about clients sending me lovely
thank-you cards......well just another day at Matt Davis Photography and another sack full to open I suspect..... "what's that Ali, they're our christmas cards to send out" - Doh!
Ohh a self timer, so I'm actually in a photo. Yes, for those of you wandering Daisy is indeed wearing Ali's glasses and I am indeed wearing a hoodie (some things never change!).
Phew, pooped. Yet again, Ali is lazing about with her feet up. What a life for some!
>Matt run's for cover<